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Comedy Skills and Humour

Some of the greatest barriers to success and high productivity in a working environment come when people feel that they are little more than cogs in a giant wheel, working in a culture of fear that seeks only to focus on results.

Your people look after your business indeed-but it is also essential that if you are an employer you also look after your people. The Lotus Exchange has ways to help you do this-none better than our innovative and proven comedy workshops.

The benefits to people in your organisation from the laughter created in our comedy sessions include:

  • Reduced stress levels and lower blood pressure

  • Greater energy levels

  • Bolstered immune system

  • Less absenteeism if people know they will have fun at work

  • Better staff retention because you are such an "enlightened" employer

  • Improved creative and lateral thinking

  • Improved presentation and verbal skills

Our comic facilitators have years of experience of not only performing and writing stand up comedy, but also in translating the gifts of humour to the difficulties and mundanities of our working environments.

We have three principle workshops on our comedy menu:-

BUSINESS AND PLEASURE:- Through a variety of comic techniques you will learn ways to ensure that your organisation remains an enjoyable place to work . You and your colleagues will devise ongoing structures to ensure that the positive habits learnt in the workshop are not lost. You will find out how to:-

  • Act out presentations and briefings

  • Encourage play

  • Find time in the week to "fail through comedy." Fear of failure is the greatest inhibitor of new ideas.

  • Deal with issues in your organisation through comedy

  • Create a work environment that is fun and consequently less stressful and more productive.

Duration : From half a day to two days

STRESS BUSTERS:- The Stress buster day is about having fun, working as a team and creating a comedy show far beyond your wildest dreams. The workshop is split into three stages-

  • Firstly, we start with comedy games which encourage lateral thought and build confidence. Within minutes you and your colleagues will be laughing, creating new material and discovering talents that have sometimes remained hidden for years.

  • Next, we have sessions in joke writing and in a stand up comedy technique known as rant and rave. Need we say more! Rant and Rave is one of the most effective ways of dealing with company issues as they can be aired in a safe and light hearted manner.

  • Finally, the group is divided into teams who create their own sketch show. The shows may or may not reflect issues within the organisation. You will be taught classic sketch comedy formulas and laughter will be guaranteed

Duration: from a half to full day in length

THE BIG COMEDY WEEKEND:- The comedy weekend takes your organisation out of the office into a comedy environment created by you in which laughter and fun are the most visible by-products. The weekend also reduces stress within your organisation, increases confidence through discovering new found skills and builds trust and team work as you and your organisation discover just how talented they are.

The weekend will be structured to suit your company but the essential components are as follows:-

  • Build comedy skills, confidence and creativity through various games and exercises.

  • Use stand up comedy skills to deal with issues within your organisation; reduce stress and take a fresh look at how to make presentations.

  • A meal and night out at a top comedy club

  • Discuss the previous night’s comedy with one of the comedians from the comedy club.

  • Create your own comedy sketches using the classic sketch formula.

Duration :-One weekend

Call 020 7463 2234 or to ask questions or to receive more detailed information about our comedy workshops. We can create a be-spoke package to suit your requirements and also arrange for top comedians to entertain your staff at functions and events.