Corporate Funk

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What on earth is this department you may be thinking?

A new rock band made up of account managers, secretaries and departmental chiefs? Well, yes and no.

We're not asking you to give up your day job. We’re asking you to take a little sojourn from your everyday reality and play with us a little.

Experience the skills, flavour and feel of rhythm, music, voice, comedy and other creative pursuits. Then take what you encounter back into your day to day activities.


  • Creativity

  • Spontaneity

  • Enjoyment

  • Stronger Team Bonds

  • Passion and Dynamism

  • Release from Stress

These qualities will arm you with some of the most powerful ingredients in any recipe for success.

Energised, alive, happy people are more productive and intelligent than tired, unmotivated, unhappy people.

Our highly experienced Corporate Funk Facilitators have developed precise activities and training tools that will unlock your people’s energy and full potential.

You can employ their services as part of team building and training processes, in a spirit of celebration at parties and launches, at times of change, or when you want to bring people together in unique and unforgettable ways.

We offer the following exciting services:

corporate funk comedy drumming why yoga