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Nutritional Guidance:

" YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT!" You don't really believe that do you? After all you are a complex and miraculous conglomeration of bones, muscles, blood vessels, nerve endings and glands not to mention a brain and a soul. You are NOT a cheese and tuna sandwich.

Nonetheless, what you eat does have a bearing on how you feel and on your productivity. Can't get through the day without fourteen coffees? Ever feel like that first hour after lunch is lost in a fog of vague intentions and siesta fantasies? Well, that’s probably because of what you had for breakfast or lunch.

Our nutritional experts will visit you, conduct a detailed analysis of your eating habits, monitor the peaks and troughs of your energy levels and create a specific nutritional programme for you to follow.

Athletes have long since understood the importance of correct diet on their performance- and your performance is just as important.

The benefits of an improved, regulated diet on most individuals include:

  • Increased stamina and energy throughout the day
  • Less reliance on coffee, sugar and other stimulants
  • Stronger immune system and resistance
  • Less sick days taken off
  • Clearer thinking patterns
  • Improved productivity in the workplace
  • Weight loss