
Corporate Chill

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On-site massage

Working life gradually takes it’s toll on all of us, whether through excessive workloads, travel nightmares, workplace conflicts or just sheer monotony.


All the time we spend at computers mounts up and causes tension, headaches, poor circulation and repetitive strain injuries. The human body was never designed to sit in “computer pose” for up to eight hours a day and now too many people pay the price for this.


Our advice is to repay your body for the effort it makes on your behalf. Ease your pain and stiffness. Revive those tired minds and see improved morale, creativity and focus amongst your colleagues or employees.


How ? By sinking into one of our ergonomically designed massage chairs.


Forget the world for 15-20 minutes and be pressed, stretched and kneaded in all the right ways on your back, arms, neck and shoulders by our qualified massage therapists.


There's no need to remove any clothes and no oils are used as all techniques are based on acupressure.


What could be better?


Please call us on 020 8960 8214 or click here to discuss your requirements.