Less back pain

*119 million working days are lost due to back pain each year
in the UK. The stronger, healthier backs that result from a regular
yoga practice will significantly reduce the number of days missed
in your company. Count them.
* Harley Street Back Centre
Better problem solving skills

Yoga harmonises the left and right sides of the brain so that
logical and creative thought come together as one. Flashes of
inspiration should become increasingly common.
Quicker response time

By training you in the art of single pointedness, yoga immediately
improves mental concentration and focus.
The ability to Stay Cool

Stress is like an enclosing wall all around us. Yogic deep breathing
and yoga stretches create a genuine sense of inner and outer space.
Tightening deadlines, interpersonal conflict and other stresses
will lose their grip as you learn to breathe and stand your ground.